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मेरो भर्खरको भिडियोहरू
Marathon training Day 1
अधिक भिडियोहरू
0 seconds of 3 minutes, 12 seconds
I got A Covid-19 Test
नमस्कार! here are the latest questions I’ve received this week from my Instagram stories question box. You can ask me a question @RunEatRepeat on Instagram or in the comments below! These questions hit all different bases from increasing speed and mileage to those Nuun electrolyte tablets. I recorded them for IGTV – so they’re available on video and audio on the Run eat Repeat podcast.
Listen to the podcast on the Apple Podcast App // Stitcher – for Android // Spotify and more! just search for Run eat Repeat in any of those podcast apps!
Or watch the question and answer session on the @RunEatRepeat IGTV channel –
@RunEatRepeat IGTV Channel
1. will you come to Oklahoma and help me be a better runner?
I’d love to run a race with you in OK!
2. ( this one got cut off. )
3. how do I increase my pace and increase my mileage at the same time?
A: It’s important to be smart about it to become a better faster runner but not get injured or burnt out. find a training plan that will guide you to increase mileage and incorporate speed work. remember the 10% rule – don’t increase your mileage more than 10% per week.
4. Where do I get those Nuun tablets you posted about yesterday?
A: Nuun is a terrific sports drink for running, workouts and in this case dehydration.
Nuun Tablets variety Pack
I also love spark for hydration and a terrific pick-me-up!
My favorites are the spark Mango Strawberry and spark Limeade
You can also get them in spark Stick Packs to take them on the go. I always have some in my purse and gym bag.
5. Are you still moving? Do you speak Spanish? I do a little bit.
A: yes it’s in the works!
6. School’s back in! Don’t forget to thank your custodian. (for your mom)
A: My mom’s a teacher and I helped her set up the classroom for this new school year.
7. What’s the secret to your amazing eyebrows?
A: I try not to pluck them myself and get them dyed or color them in. I’m a natural redhead and my brows are naturally lighter than my hair – so they’re a strawberry blonde color. So I define them with an eyebrow pencil and brow gel.
My favorite eyebrow pencil and brow gels:
Eyebrow pencil in Auburn by Anastasia of Beverly Hills
Maybelline eyebrow pencil in Auburn
Revlon ColorStay eyebrow pencil in Auburn
For Blonde Hair – this Taupe brow pencil is great
Eyebrow gel in Auburn by Anastasia of Beverly Hills
Eyebrow gel / mascara by Maybelline in Auburn
8. would you consider doing / training for a triathlon?
A: I like the idea of it and I’d love to be a better athlete but I think it’s a very expensive sport so probably not. I don’t want to buy a fancy bike and wetsuit and all that stuff. and I don’t know how or really want to learn how to change a bike tire.
9. before the blog took off – what did you do for work?
A: I worked at Starbucks then for a recruiting company as a researcher and did internships at a cable news station and news station in Los Angeles.
10. if not a beer mile or wine mile…. margarita mile!!?!
A: too soon!
11. how do you get back into running after your first marathon?
A: Make if fun again!
12. Which October marathon are you running? Ventura? It’s going to be my first full marathon!
A: maybe lace Up Ventura or there’s also the long beach Marathon and St. George in October!
13. have you done the Marine Corps Marathon?
A: I loved the Marine Corps Marathon!! check out my recap and video here:
Marine Corps Marathon expo
Marine Corps Marathon race recap / review
Marine Corps Marathon video clips
>>> Then, the video cut me off abruptly … so I’ll answer the rest of the questions soon!
If you have a question for me… Leave it in the comments or
Email –
or call – 562 888 1644
or leave it in the @RunEatRepeat Instagram stories or my DMs!
मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्
साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!
ठूलो गाडीको
भागचिठी पत्र
यी लिएर जान्छु:
प्रश्नहरू र जवाफहरूमा जवाफहरू दोहोरोहरू, पोडकास्टहरू र रिकभरी दिनहरू खान्छन्
प्रश्नहरू र जवाफहरूमा जवाफहरू दोहोरोहरू, पोडकास्टहरू र रिकभरी दिनहरू खान्छन्
तपाईं आधा म्याराथन पछि कति लामो पुन: प्राप्ति गर्नुहुन्छ? मेरो पहिलो पूर्ण म्याराथन र आश्चर्यचकित हुनुभयो कि तपाईं कति लामो समय देखिनुहुन्छ … सुझावहरू
बगैचा, ईन्स्टाग्रास जनवरी साझा भाग 1 बाट खाँदै र अधिक प्रश्नहरू
बगैचा, ईन्स्टाग्रास जनवरी साझा भाग 1 बाट खाँदै र अधिक प्रश्नहरू
नमस्कार! म मेरो इन्स्टाग्राम कथाहरूमा एक टन प्रश्नहरूमा पोषणमा भाग्नको लागि जाँदैछु किन म यति चर्को छु (वा s
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समाप्त पोडकास्ट 1 134 मा भाग लिनुहोस्
Amanda ब्रुकहरूको अन्तर्वार्ताको साथ अन्तरालमा भाग्नुहोस् र Rodtablat Podabla poodabe एपिसोड 1 134। उनको नयाँ पुस्तक, भर्खरको दौड र
ईमेल दिवालियापन र मनपर्ने रन रन खानुहोस् र ब्लग पोडकास्ट 8 86 दोहोर्याउनुहोस्
ईमेल दिवालियापन र मनपर्ने रन रन खानुहोस् र ब्लग पोडकास्ट 8 86 दोहोर्याउनुहोस्
नमस्कार !! तिमीलाई कस्तो छ? धेरै भयो नबोलेको!! म धेरै वयस्क कार्यहरूको साथ एक धेरै उज्ज्वल भएको छु जुन मैले ढेर माथि राख्छु
Prodt podtat podtake pood poodly सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रत्यक्ष सल्लाह र खराब पोडकास्ट फेरि
Prodt podtat podtake pood poodly सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रत्यक्ष सल्लाह र खराब पोडकास्ट फेरि
अल्ट्रा मैरथन आमा होली Zimermannant podapt # 80
अल्ट्रा मैरथन आमा होली Zimermannant podapt # 80
अल्ट्रा मराथन आमा लेखन होली जिमीरम्यान रनम्यान भित्रै छ पोडकास्ट पोखरी हामी बोस्टन म्याराथन, रु
St सेयरथोलिक द्वारा