alternate title: I’m changing RER to Jog eat Repeat…
Last night at fro-yo we debated Roe V. Wade jogging Versus Running. I guess by Kinesiology rules running means you have both feet off the ground at some point in your stride.
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त्यसपछि उनी गएको थियो – पुस्तक समीक्षा
Jogging means you have one foot on the ground.
Standing means both feet on the ground.
Needing the definition of standing means you’re dumb.
Personally I think it’s all bullsht it’s like so many other things in life – YOUR definition is the most important one (and the only one that matters most of the time).
If I followed the above guidelines most of my race pics would seem to imply I do not run.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
But, I felt like I was running. Heck, sometimes I felt like I was dying! especially here:
And I refuse to have “Cause of Death: Jogging” on my death Certificate. It better say Running or I’m coming back from heaven (fingers crossed) and haunting all the real runners.
I’m obviously not fast. So I can either ignore this definition or raise my feet off the ground when the race photographer is coming up. I am getting better at this little trick…
That, or I’m just going to crop it so you can’t see. It’s my own damn business anyways, right?
In the end I think “jog” is an old word that doesn’t get used much anymore. ठीक? To me running is: the word used to describe not walking/faster than walking. But, I am not about to start saying “jog” even if I technically have a long jog on the schedule for tomorrow…
(image source)
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