yesterday I headed to the Farmer’s market for some fruit. one of the farmers had a pet dog and Bingo was his name-o pointed out that the market is closed until Jan 6th! I’m happy I got some good sampling in before that
Actually, I get grapes and eat them while walking around.
MY most current VIDEOS
Unorthodox book and Netflix review
Review of the book & Netflix series – Unorthodox. A good listen – book, podcast and visual enjoyment review series.
अधिक भिडियोहरू
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I got A Covid-19 Test
After the market I stopped in TJ’s for lunch. brown Rice California rolls help satisfy a sushi craving (for now).
Then, I headed to my mom’s to humiliate my dogs.
At least I took off the costumes to take them for a walk.
I threw together some quick pizzas for dinner before my fun project…
The reason I was there was to make a Gingerbread house with my little brother. I gotten this kit at Trader Joe’s this week.
It is incredibly easy to use and put together! All you need to add is one egg white and a few drops of vinegar. (We added a lot of other candy because it doesn’t come with that much.)
It has a little family too! But, I don’t really get who the lady with the cane is meant to be?
I set it up and Matt and I got to work decorating.
A piece of our tree was missing. I tried to convince Matt a branch fell off in the storm, but he wasn’t getting it.
I blame Bailey.
I grabbed a glass of milk and was ready to eat this thing!
The first thing I wondered when I gotten this kit was, “Are you really able to eat it though?!” हो! I say if there is nutrition information on the back they figure you’re going to eat it.
But, my mommy made white chocolate macadamia nut cookies for us instead. I’m not a big fan of this kind of cookie, but they were warm out of the oven and I couldn’t stop myself from eating 5 of them, plus eggnog and some ice cream(!).
The cookies, coupled with the tree branch candy decorations left me feeling excessively full and bloated. I felt like ish for a second then realized so lots of other bloggers have been in similar circumstances this season – not that it makes it okay, but it makes it normal.
It’s not like there is something wrong with me for eating too lots of cookies. This is the time of year with a ton of temptations – and I need a game plan before I go into it or this happens to me. lots of people over eat at a holiday party or when freshly baked cookies are around. The crucial is to realize it’s normal and get back on the healthy balance wagon the next day (NOT fall into a binge until Dec 31st like I’ve done in years past).
If you’ve had issues with food in the past you might think overeating at a party equals a relapse or a binge or a step backwards. This isn’t necessarily true. When I was seeing R.D. Tribole (and author of the Intuitive eating book) she pointed out that people with no history of food issues overeat on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Not that it’s healthy, but that it’s normal. (She also said no one eats ice cream because they’re hungry, which kinda changed my life.)
तिम्रो के बिचार छ? Is it “acceptable” to overeat at a party or while baking cookies? how do you keep yourself from overeating while baking or at a party?
मलाई कार्यपुस्तक पठाउनुहोस्
साझेदारी हेरचाह गर्दैछ!
ठूलो गाडीको
चिठी पत्र
keep opting for these:
I’m getting You Pizza- fun Instagram Giveaway
I’m getting You Pizza- fun Instagram Giveaway
I’ve been getting a lot of requests lately to do a meet-up at races or plan a group run for all Run eat Repeaters. love
What I eat In A DAY – धावकहरूका लागि
म एक दिनमा के खान्छु – धावकहरूका लागि
म एक रनर द्वारा एक दिन भिडियो मा के खान्छु। सबै चीजको खाद्य डायरी मैले खाजा खाजा, खाजा, खाना र खाजा खाए। जोडेर
माईल कुल र फेब्रुअरी 2021 को सर्वश्रेष्ठ
माईल कुल र फेब्रुअरी 2021 को सर्वश्रेष्ठ
तपाईंले यो महिना कतिवटा माईल चलाउनुभयो? @Runeaterperpatattaut Instagram कहानी कहानी थिम। सर्वश्रेष्ठ चलाउनुहोस् र खानको लागि
मेरो lil भाइको हाई स्कूल स्नातक पार्टी र डरलाग्दो मेक्सिकन खाना
मेरो lil भाइको हाई स्कूल स्नातक पार्टी र डरलाग्दो मेक्सिकन खाना
हाई स्कूल स्नातक केन्द्र टुक्रा र उपहार तालिका। एक मेक्सिकन रेस्टुरेन्टमा पार्टी र सबै खाना र मार्गारिता भ्रमणमा
ढिलो इस्टर कन्फेट्टी अण्डाको शिकार
ढिलो इस्टर कन्फेट्टी अण्डाको शिकार
ब्लग ईस्टर अण्डाको शिकार चलिरहेको छ। एक रमाईलो कन्फेट्टी अण्डाको शिकारको लागि विचारहरू मेरो धेरै रेडहेड सुनौलो रिटरेटर र अडियोको साथ
जीवन म्याराथन एक म्याराथन हो र म्याटथन हो
जीवन म्याराथन एक म्याराथन हो र म्याटथन हो
जीवन चलाउने विशेषज्ञ म्याटज्जेराल्डको साथ जीवन एक म्याराथन हो। जीवन, सम्बन्ध, सम्बन्ध र चलिरहेको sew माराथन th मा माराथनहरू
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